TUKUO Live in concert CD — TUKUO

TUKUO Live in concert CD

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TUKUO Live in concert CD


“Anything goes when plucking a Uke”

From Rock to Classic , Jazz to Pop the TUKUO Live in Concert CD generates a relaxed listening atmosphere which evolves from this mini instrument mixed with the Orchestra’s vocals.

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TRACK Listing

1.                  Sabre Dance

2.                  My generation

3.                  Heidi

4.                  Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

5.                  Dance of the Sugar Plum fairy

6.                  Brass in Pocket

7.                  O Mio Babbino Caro

8.                  London Calling

9.                  Always look on the bright side of life

10.              I’m the urban spaceman

11.              Pop Medley

12.              These boots are made for walking

13.              Radetzky March

14.              Michelle

15.              Bohemian Rhapsody

16.              Jazz Waltz